
Cimarron Home Owners Association 2020 Roofing and siding project


Thank you for visiting the blog. It is dedicated to the 2020 asphalt shingle and vinyl siding Project. there are five buildings that are going to be re-roofed and four of the five will get new siding, List below. Please visit the blog periodically for answers to frequently asked questions and project status updates. We appreciate your patience during the project. 


1001 Pontiac Court- Roofing & Siding

7230 Pontiac Cir- Roofing & Siding

7211 Pontiac Cir- Roofing & Siding 

7241 Pontiac Cir- Roofing & Siding

993 Pontiac Ln- Roofing only


On-site Project manager Tony Baker

Cell: 320-420-9408

On-site project manager Brian Maas

Cell: 612-990-3087


All dates are “Weather permitting” and are subject to change with little notice.


Satellite television service will be disrupted during the re-roofing process but will be restored as soon as possible. 


8/5/2020- The rest of the siding is expected to be available this Friday, August 7th. We have the crew scheduled to be on-site to finish the rest of the project. After the siding is installed we will get the lights installed. Thank you for your patience when dealing with the material availability delay. 



7/24/2020- The project is almost complete but COVID-19 has impacted the building material supply. We are currently waiting for the rest of the siding to come in for the last two buildings. As soon as the materials are available, the crew will return to finish everything up. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience. These issues are out of our control. Our supplier has given us a scheduled ship date of July 29th.  Have a good weekend. 



7/8/2020- The siding is moving along well. Buildings 1, 2 & 3 are nearing completion. They will be moving onto the fourth building by the end of this week. We have been informed that the siding availability is becoming problematic due to COVID-19. Our suppliers are doing everything they can to get us the material but the production of the Mastic siding has been impacted. 



6/25/2020- The siding on the third building is beginning. The lights on the first two buildings are scheduled to be installed on Monday, June 29th. Everything is moving along well and we appreciate your patience and cooperation. 



6/17/2020- A second siding crew has started on the second building, 7230 Pontiac Circle. After removing the siding at 1001 Pontiac Ct some issues with the sheathing were discovered. The crew will remove and replace all jeopardized sheathing prior to installing the new house wrap. 



6/15/2020- The roofing portion of the project went really well. All of the roofing has been replaced and the siding started on the first building. This process will be much slower than the roofing. 


6/11/2020- Due to extremely high winds yesterday, the roofing was postponed to the third building, 7211 Pontiac Circle. They will complete this roof today and the rest will be pushed back. As the roofs are getting replaced, we are properly connecting the dryer and bathroom exhaust vents. They have been incorrectly attached and contributing to ice dam causes. This has been corrected from the exterior and will not require entering the attic. 




6/9/2020- The first building was completed yesterday and the second has been roof loaded and started. If the weather holds, they will complete the second building. Everything is moving along well. 


6/1/2020- The Roofing portion of the project is scheduled to begin next Monday, June 8th with work starting at 1001 Pontiac Ct. We are expecting each building to take 1-2 working days, weather permitting. Paper notices will be posted on garage doors at least 24 hours before the crew will move to your building. The order of the buildings to be worked on is as follow:

Monday, June 8th- 1001 Pontiac Ct

Tuesday, June 9th- 7230 Pontiac Circle

Wednesday, June 10th- 7211 Pontiac Circle

Thursday, June 11th- 993 Pontiac Lane

Friday-Saturday, June 12-13th- 7241 Pontiac Cir

After the roofing is completed, the siding crew will follow. The siding replacement will take approximately two working weeks per building. 



Project links click to view

Atlas roofing project (What to expect) (click link to view) 




Please contact 612-254-7373 or Email Info@Atlasmn.com With any questions or concerns.