
Please contact 612-254-7373 or Email [email protected] With any questions or concerns. 


Thank you for visiting the blog. It is dedicated to the roof replacement project. Please visit the blog periodically for project information, answers to frequently asked questions, and project status updates. We appreciate your patience during the project. 


Project links “Click to view”

MRQ- Shingle replacement notice




On-site Project Manager Henry Hernandez

Cell: 612-638-8700

(Contact him with site-specific questions)



Shingles to be Installed

“CertainTeed Landmark (Heather Blend)”



Equipment to be used during the project





All dates and proposed plans are “Weather Permitting” and subject to change with little notice


6/13/2024- Our supplier ABC Supply was building our material orders to be delivered next week when they noticed only the skylights for the 201-211 Bank St. SE building had been delivered. When ABC reached out to Velux they were told the rest of the skylights would not be delivered until July 10th. With that said we will have to postpone the start of the project until further notice. The obstruct permit and crane service have been canceled. I’m very sorry for any inconvenience this will cause and will keep everyone updated on the new start date sometime in July.

If there is a silver lining, the landscape project was supposed to be completed before we started but it will not be. This change in plans will allow the landscape project to be completed. 



6/11/2024- In one week, the crane and crews will be on-site to start working on the first building. 215-229 Bank St. SE is the first building to be worked on. After our initial email, a few owners provided some good questions.

1. What needs to be done with the decks and patios on the rear of the buildings? Please bring in or move all moveable items to avoid damage from debris, that could fall from the roof. Cover any items that can’t be moved with a tarp. We will have tarps on-site and will cover what we can but all breakable items should be moved by the owners in advance of starting on your building.

2. If we don’t have skylights will Atlas need access inside my home? No, if you do not have any skylights or roof windows, Atlas will not need access inside your home. Atlas will need access to all homes with skylights. In order to keep the roof water-tight, the roof will be completed one-half at a time. This means either the back or front roofline will be completed on a given day. If you have skylights on the front and back roof line, Atlas will need access inside your home on both days.

3. Do I need to be home during the work? No, as long as you don’t have skylights or can provide access without being home, you do not need to be home while work is taking place.

Weather is going to be the biggest variable. As of now the beginning of next week looks wet. As we get closer we will have a better idea of how the weather will impact the start of the project. 


This project will require a lot of coordination and cooperation from Atlas, the City of Minneapolis, and the residents of the Marquette Townhomes Owners’ Association. To leave access the the rear garages and parking we have obtained an obstruction permit from the Minneapolis Traffic and Parking Services Department to shut down the sidewalk and metered parking lane in front of the buildings as they are being worked on. Per the requirements of the City, we will have traffic cones and signage outlining the project staging areas. Material and equipment will be stored here while work is taking place. A crane will be brought in daily for debris removal and material hoisting. The crane will not be left overnight. While your building is being worked on, please refrain from using your front entrance and use caution when entering or exiting the building.


As part of the roof replacement, homes with skylights will have them replaced. A member of our team will need access inside the home to line up the skylights to the rough opening and install the manual blinds to the center pivot roof windows. The vented skylights have the blinds installed at the factory but the manual blinds are not. If your home has skylights, please remove all items below them and place a drop cloth, sheet, or plastic below to catch any debris. Any painting or caulking repairs will be completed as needed after the project is completed. 

In addition to needing access to homes with skylights, we will need access inside the rear patios to complete the final cleanup. If your patio is lockable, please make sure it’s unlocked while your building is being worked on. Please also do your best to remove and/or cover your items on the decks and patios at the rear of the buildings when your building is being worked on.  

The project is planned to start the week of June 17th with work starting on Tuesday, June 18th. We will be starting on the 215-229 Bank St. SE building. Each building is expected to take two working days to complete. Once this building is complete, we will be moving to the 201-211 Bank St. SE building. If we don’t have any weather delays, we are expecting to be finished with the first two buildings by Friday, June 21st.


Because we will need a second obstruction permit for the 1-11 2nd St. SE building we have to provide one day for the City to hood the meters on 2nd St. and set up the staging area. If we do not have any weather delays, we will be starting this building on Tuesday, June 25th. Updates will be sent out daily to keep everyone abreast of the project and any changes to the schedule. 

All owners with active satellite dishes will lose service until the new roof is installed and the dish can be realigned. If you have an active dish, a commdeck dish mount will be installed for an additional cost of $150 to be passed on to the owner. These mounts are used to avoid fastening the dish through the new roof system. If you have a dish on your roof that is no longer in use and you would like it removed and disposed of, please contact the project manager Henry, or email [email protected].

In addition to satellite disruption, when your home is being worked on, please be aware there will be lots of noise and vibrations. Please remove all loosely hung pictures and shelved items of value. Please also check all glass light covers to ensure they are properly secured. A paper notice with what to expect and what is needed from you will be posted on all doors before work starts. Please be sure to read and understand the notice and reach out with any questions or concerns you may have. 

All dates and proposed plans are “Weather Permitting” and subject to change with little notice